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the do's, don'ts, and tips!

we want to make sure you are
educated about the process of 
waxing! do we like reading long
paragraphs? nope! but is this 
info needed? of course!

Why Wax?
Waxing is an effective way to remove large amounts of hair at once. The hard wax is warmed up and spread over the skin in the direction of hair growth. The hair becomes embedded in the wax as the wax cools. The hard wax strip  is then quickly pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth, taking hair with it. Waxing lasts 4-6 weeks

Tips and how to prepare for wax service


If it is your first time getting waxed OR we need to update our records, you will be required to complete a client intake form at your appointment.  Wearing loose fitted clothing will help avoid any rubbbing against the waxed area once service is complete. Please arrive with your hair being at least the length of a grain of rice. You may be turned away at your appointment if your hair is not long enough! If you wish, you may take a mild painkiler before your appointment to help with pain. If you are on your cycle , please wear a tampon. Our waxers cannot service you if there is a heavy amount of blood.  During your appointment please expect some discomfort, but no worries...the pain is quick and will be over .  DO exfoliate in between waxing, keep area hydrated, and stay on a routine with your waxer  making sure you schedule appointments regularly.  Do wear cotton underwear, it is a more breathable fabric. DON'T compare your wax to someone else's. Our bodies are all different and no two services are like and results may vary based on several factors. DON'T shower right after your appointment. DON'T scratch the freshly waxed area.


you should reconsider waxing if...

You have a chronic condition like lupus, AIDS, or any other disease that may compromise the skin barrier. Doctors also recommend steering clear of waxing if you take Accutane, or if you've stopped taking it less than six months to a year ago. Any other topicals that are irritating can be stopped for one week prior to waxing. For oral prescriptions like doxycycline or spironolactone, you typically do not have to stop these."


Lastly, you should never get waxed if you're undergoing cancer therapy such as chemotherapy or radiation. Take it from us: If you're ever unsure or have a health condition, consult your doctor first.

what areas should I avoid getting waxed?

  • Irritated, inflamed, cut, or sunburned skin.

  • Anywhere you're using Retin-A.3

  • Any area that has a rash, recent scar tissue, a skin graft, cold sores

  • Anywhere you're having dermabrasion services or have gotten them in the past three months.

  • Any place you've recently gotten Botox or collagen injections in the last seven days.

  • Anywhere that has been waxed within the last 24 hours.

  • Areas you're using any alpha hydroxy acid over 8 percent, as they may make skin more sensitive.2

  • Over or around body piercings.

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